Sunday, March 22, 2020

The Trail Of Tears Essays (1076 words) - Cherokee Nation, Cherokee

The Trail of Tears The Trail of Tears, was it unjust and inhumane? What happened to the Cherokee during that long and treacherous journey? They were brave and listened to the government, but they recieved unproductive land and lost their tribal land. The white settlers were already emigrating to the Union, or America. The East coast was burdened with new settlers and becoming vastly populated. President Andrew Jackson and the government had to find a way to move people to the West to make room. President Andrew Jackson passed the Indian Removal Policy in the year 1830. The Indian Removal Policy which called for the removal of Native Americans from the Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia area, also moved their capital Echota in Tennessee to the new capital call New Echota, Georgia and then eventually to the Indian Territory. The Indian Territory was declared in the Act of Congress in 1830 with the Indian Removal Policy. Elias Boudinot, Major Ridge, and John Ridge and there corps accepted the responsibility for the removal of one of the largest tribes in the Southeast that were the earliest to adapt to European ways. There was a war involving the Cherokee and the Chickasaw before the Indian Removal Policy was passed. The Cherokee were defeated by them which caused Chief Dragging Canoe to sign a treaty in 1777 to split up their tribe and have the portion of the tribe in Chattanooga, Tennessee called the Chickamauga. Chief Doublehead of the Chickamauga, a branch of the Cherokee, signed a treaty to give away their lands. Tribal law says "Death to any Cherokee who proposed to sell or exchange tribal land." Chief Doublehead was later executed by Major Ridge. Again there was another treaty signed in December 29, 1835 which is called The Treaty of New Echota. It was signed by a party of 500 Cherokee out of about 17,000. Between 1785 and 1902 twenty-five treaties were signed with white men to give up their tribal lands. The Cherokee would find themselves in a nightmare for the next year. In 1838 General Winfield Scott got tired of delaying this longer than the 2 years he waited already so he took charge in collecting the Cherokee. The Cherokee were taken from their homes and their belongings. The were placed in holding camps so none would escape. The Cherokee were to be moved in the fall of 1838. The journey did not occur in October, 1838 because of bad weather. They were now supposed to move 13,000 Cherokee in the spring of 1839 a distance of eight-hundred miles. The Cherokee were fed on meager rations and suffered malnutrition. They were badly clothed for the spring and many caught diseases and died. Many Cherokee tried to escape and some succeeded. The Cherokee knew these woodlands and knew where to go. The white men couldn't find them without the help of other Cherokee and bribes. Most of the Cherokee hid in the mountains and could not be found. During the eight-hundred mile trek many children and spouses were separated from their families when the Government would split up the Cherokee into groups of 1,000 for ease of removal. About one-third of the original Cherokee they collected died in the holding camps and between the trek from the Southeast section of the Union to Indian Territory. They would have to learn a new way of life and adjust. They lost their negro slaves, and their possessions. The Cherokee were farmers, and the land was infertile. The land was meant for cattle raising, which they didn't know ho to do. They built a capital city called Tahlequah, and their nation was declared in September 6, 1839. Their culture was bred here along their new way of life. John Ross who was elected by the Cherokee as the President of the Cherokee nation in 1827 continues his roll in the land, shared with another seventy tribes. They had opened up schools in the Indian Territory to continue their education for their children. The first Cherokee school opened in 1801 when the people were learning their language. Their written language which consists of 85 characters, was said to be created by a Sequoia (1760-1843)

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Thesis Belonging Essay Example

Thesis Belonging Essay Example Thesis Belonging Essay Thesis Belonging Essay Thesis Statements for Belonging RBelonging can be created, supported or broken by RELATIONSHIPS UOnly through UNDERSTANDING can an individual, group or community find a connection. GJUDGEMENTS or choices that individuals make may create or destroy a sense of belonging. An individual may choose whether to/or not to belong. BIndividuals (or a group) may encounter BARRIERS to belonging IAn individual’s (or collective) IDENTITY and self-perception may develop through the process of belonging. Only the individual can determine whether or not he/she belongs and this will in turn shape a sense of self. PBelonging is a PERCEPTION. Perceptions shape the way that an author, character or responder may feel in relation to belonging. It is important to remember that context shapes perception. An individual or group may feel that they belong to a PLACE or landscape. AATTITUDES about belonging may evolve and change over time IINDIVIDUALITY. Each unique individual has the potential to enrich the community and foster a greater sense of belonging. An individual may belong to an IDEA or IDEOLOGY including religious, political or cultural ideologies. NBelonging may be understood as an instinctive NEEDof humanity Examples Our individual identity is greatly constructed by how others perceive us. As members of society we all actively desire the respect, and friendship of our peers. An individual’s fear of alienation can lead them to think or act in ways that are not true to their ideology. Belonging to a social group builds character and identity. Contrastingly, alienation forces one to ask why they are alone and thus the strength of identity is challenged. To truly belong to a group one must surrender all conflicting thoughts and ideologies. As social group, along with your family, dictates the morals you come to respect. These greatly impact who you are. Alienation does not make us stronger, all it achieves is a disconcerting feeling of being unwanted and rejected. Throughout childhood and adolescence, we observe our parents and peers morals and ideologies, and use this to construct identity. The community surrounding you impacts your opinion of selfhood, consequently moulding your identity. Being educated on your family’s past wrong doings, can lead to you developing a strong sense of identity that purposefully avoids repeating such errors. An individual who is a member of a social group has a greater chance of maintaining their individuality. This is in contrast to an alienated and disconnected person. When in a similar social group, an individual’s identity is perceived as stronger. A strong sense of identity is dependant on family and social standing in the community. A sense of identity depends on social interaction within family and community members. John’s sense of identity is dependant on his perception of the group to which he belongs; the police force. When people don’t belong to a group, they have difficulty in establishing a sense of self. Belonging to a family strengthens the belief you have in who you are and what you stand for. Identity is made up of the people surrounding you. In order to have an identity, one must first belong to a group.